Whatever your reason for considering enrolling in an online school, taking that step is always an interesting (and at times unsettling) period. Speaking of them, our students, staff & families are always geared up to present a case of what made them select Cambridge Home School, and these are some of them.
Why put up with the long bus rides in a dirty and costly uniform for hours, our students have reclaimed what was theirs- time! No two hours commute every day means our pupils practice their hobbies and interests, be it horse riding or chess or anything in between. Our school caters to a host of distinguished sports enthusiasts and casuals and families wanting to simply enroll in a school but from any part of the world. We are driven by the idea of achieving the optimal balance between the hours spent in our virtual classrooms and the time spent enjoying the great outdoors- regardless of where in the world you are!
Without a doubt, the comparison is quite indefensible when one considers that our CHS students develop international connections and friendships with over two hundred students all over the world. We are always in anticipation for the United Kingdom owing to our rich heritage of kindness, tolerance and positivity. From the very first day a students gets inducted to CHS they become active participants in the supportive and motivating structure of the school which is enhanced by numerous social media platforms so that once they go to university many friendships remain intact!
However, we understand that grades are important and subsequently where you go to university is also a paramount concern for our parents. For instance, countless students come to us because they feel their ability and individuality is not wanted and appreciated in some of the traditional school settings where the class is too crowded and the behaviour hampers learning. Our last cohort did extremely well and improved the previous year’s performance with 65% of GCSE at A*/A Level; in addition every one of our talented A-Level students has received an offer to study at prestigious universities, Cambridge included. And we are very happy that our children managed to study far and different places all over the world Several of our students attend Russell Group universities across a variety of disciplines, including engineering, architecture, English, physics, music, and business management. We also had students attended us universities with academic and sporting scholarships.
Many parents are dissatisfied with the conventional education system, which is marred by behavioral issues and large class sizes that may slow their child’s development. At CHS we offer a close education model with a maximum of 10 students in a class. Teachers are able to understand the child, their learning style, their needs, and the children are able to go to them for support anytime. Also, at Cambridge Home School Online we offer the widest range of online learning materials and revision materials whenever students need one at any online school.
Ensuring a child’s kindness and good character alongside their grades is a priority during our admission process. It is our honor to say that we have the most devoted and kind-hearted students. Satisfied students learn faster and therefore doing everything for the friendly atmosphere that you will find at our school only encourages us.
With online learning, you and your family have the chance to explore the world more than never before. Whether it is just making sure that you are comfortable and healthy while studying or taking the best education while travelling the world as a family, each reason is peculiar to your family. To speak about our facilities, our warm and approachable admissions crew are more than willing to help you with your application, schedule a taster day or have a chat about life at CHS.